Changed Forever: 10 Hilarious Signs Of Being A Parent.

Ten tell-tale signs that you are a parent Although each parent’s experience raising their children can vary dramatically; some patterns immerge. These are the patterns that help to make the parenting community one of the strongest communities on the internet. The solidarity that is shown in social media parenting groups and the parenting blogger community…

Chronicles of a Messy Mum; Peace in a bottle.

My hair is a mess, I am not bothered. The sea breeze is frantically beating my skin, it is invigorating. My lungs inhale the salty air and fill me full of life. I could sit by the sea forever, it feels like home.The roar of the seagulls have replaced the drone of the city. The…

Chronicles of a Messy Mum; The Bedtime Saga

People say that Gin is a mother’s ruin, but at present, it is my sanity potion. It is required for me to deal with the torrent of absurd happenings which is my life. Whoever said having children and working was ‘having it all’ was lying on a massive scale and should be publically flogged for…

So Rich With Disaster; The Jaclyn Hill Saga Continues

The scandal that will not go away In terms of drama in the beauty community, Jaclyn hill is the gift that keeps on giving. Three weeks after my post about Jaclyn and her lipstick launch, people are still uncovering new information in the story; it is becoming a saga as epic as Game of Thrones….

How to Deal With Change When You Are A Creature of Habit

Change is good isn’t it? Change will happen; it is a formidable concept that can either bring excitement or dread. If change did not occur, life would be monotonous wouldn’t it? This is a phrase I have been trying to convince myself of as I embark on a gigantic change at work. These changes cannot…

Chronicles of a Messy Mum; Homework Disaster

I am beyond furious, both at myself and the twisted world we live in. My day had been going fine until the aforementioned ‘homework saga.’ We had been shopping; although I had not bought anything. We had taken the children to see a film, letting them eat far too much popcorn, crisps and sweets than…

The Hairy, Plastic Truth About Jaclyn Hill Cosmetics.

Beauty is Addicted to Drama The drama in the beauty community never ends. We have only just recovered from the Tatti Westbrook and James Charles scandal, an incident that provided fuel for drama channels for weeks. Now, Jaclyn Hill has provided a new fire to fight within the beauty community with the release of her…

Chronicles of a Messy Mum; The Road to Nandos Part Two.

Part One of this story can be found here ‘It’s closed’ my husband says as he tries the door. My brain immediately goes into panic mode; no, no, no, no, I have been waiting too long for this. I was about to descend into my own emotional meltdown and stamp my little feet when my…

Chronicles of a Messy Mum; The Road to Nandos Part One

Saturday mornings was always the same; you intend to have a luxurious, long lie in but instead, you are woken up by a rambunctious two-year-old presenting you will various Duplo Lego towers at the crack of dawn. “Mummy, me made tower.” Clara proclaimed proudly and she pushed it into my face, hitting me on the…

Self-care For Busy Mums

Self Care is the key The term self-care has been banded around the internet for a while and has grown immensely in popularity over recent years. With mental health issues such as depression and anxiety affecting one in four people in the UK each year; people are constantly searching for ways to keep those mental…